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About Us

Allbesmart, Lda is an engineering company, established in 2015, specialized in software-defined 3GPP implementations, actively contributing to the open source OpenAirInterfaceTM (OAI) protocol stack.

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We are the creators of OAIBOXTM, the world’s leading open source 5G/6G test network. Our mission is to democratize wireless experimentation based on open source and open standards. To learn more about the OAIBOXTM product line go to:

OpenAirInterfaceTM Code Customization Services

Allbesmart, Lda is an associated member of the OAI Software Alliance, and a key contributor to the OAI open source code development, testing and debugging. We provide customized OAI professional services for advanced 5G/6G use cases. The OAIBOXTM and its powerful Dashboard are a great starting point for any OAI customization. If you want to accelerate your 5G/6G innovation project, please share with us your use case requirements.

OAI Software
Some Customers Powered by Our OAI Solutions
Management Team

The company has a strong track record of delivering complex 5G projects to an expanding international client base. We take pride in offering exceptional technical support, enabling customers to fully harness the power of OAI open source technology for 5G and beyond.


Paulo Marques (PhD)



Jorge Ribeiro

Chief Executive Officer


Tiago Alves

Chief Software Architect


Luís Pereira

Chief of 5G/6G R&D

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